[Rt4-whois] Preliminary Report - 28 Oct session + Cartagena proposal

Lutz Donnerhacke lutz at iks-jena.de
Fri Oct 29 17:01:41 UTC 2010

Thank you for the report.

I was only partially available on this call due, so please let me ask my
question again on the list.

I'd like to volunteer for a survey about "whois usage" in order to find out
for which purpuse whois data is collected and for which purpose the
databases are queried. I fear, that both usage profiles (intended vs real)
will differ significantly.

Based on this survey, I'd propose a definition on basic "whois goals" and
then focus on the methods to reach them.

A possible outcame might be, that whois data is not used in any intended
way, so we can conclude to stop providing whois services at all.

If I get a positive response on this proposal, I'll prepare a draft

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