[RZERC] review of RZERC web pages

Jim Reid jim at rfc1035.com
Wed Feb 8 00:44:39 UTC 2017

> On 7 Feb 2017, at 16:15, Wessels, Duane <dwessels at verisign.com> wrote:
> No comments on the format and look of the web site -- looks good to me.

I agree. This is just what’s needed. Though I would be much happier if the cookie evil got killed. <Rant>I utterly loathe cookies and IMO there’s no reason whatsoever for any web site to ever use them.</Rant>

> I think there are some lingering issues with the sentence that describes RZERC:
>    The RZERC reviews proposed architectural changes to the content of the
>    DNS root zone, the systems including both hardware and software
>    components used in executing changes to the DNS root zone, and the
>    mechanisms used for distribution of the DNS root zone.
> I know this is taken from the charter, which is fine.  I think this sentence could be worded a little better, and maybe we can fix it if/when we revise the charter. My particular issues are with the word "content" in there and some ambiguity whether "proposed architectural changes" refers to all items in the list or only the first item.

The header text at the top of the page could be improved along the lines Duane suggested. However I’d just tweak that text and be done with it. [After all, it’s just some words on a web page, not Holy Writ.] That would avoid the quagmire of rewriting the charter => setting all sorts of supernovae explosions within the Internet governance machinery. In other words, leave the charter as-is -- are we permitted to change it all by ourselves anyway? -- but have something simpler and clearer on the home page which explains RZERC’s role.

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