[tz] Daylight saving and heart attacks

Tim Parenti tim at timtimeonline.com
Wed Jun 26 00:47:43 UTC 2019

On Tue, 25 Jun 2019 at 17:24, Paul Eggert <eggert at cs.ucla.edu> wrote:

> > This could, of course, be confounded somewhat in boundary cases where
> > there are mixed economic ties.
> Yes, but another way to measure health effects is to look at the
> difference between local time and local mean time (i.e., how much our
> clocks are advanced relative to their "natural" time)

I'm not arguing that it isn't; I'm simply pointing out that it isn't
necessarily the whole story: What "local time" even means to the average
person in a locale, as well as how that affects human activities and daily
routines, is much more cultural than geographical, and can and does differ
across societies.  It is not simply the case that all things in life happen
with a constant offset if one looks at life on the other side of a boundary.

If it were feasible, of course, it would be more meaningful to look at
differences between local mean ("natural") time and the actual timing of
human activities.  Looking at local wall-clock time instead merely provides
an approximation of that.

But regardless, the effects of the geographical component are indeed
fascinating and worth further consideration.

Tim Parenti
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