[tz] Ecuador time zone list

Đoàn Trần Công Danh congdanhqx at gmail.com
Mon Sep 19 13:21:27 UTC 2022

On 2022-09-19 14:10:14+0100, David via tz <tz at iana.org> wrote:
> Thank you for your reply, Sanghyeon.
> > > Alas, yet another rule is "Do not change established names if they
> > > only marginally violate the above guidelines. For example, do not
> > > change the existing name Europe/Rome to Europe/Milan merely because
> > > Milan's population has grown to be somewhat greater than Rome's." I
> > > think it is exactly the case here.
> I understand your point but it is puzzling to think how outside this list
> Guayaquil has a bigger relationship to Ecuador than Quito for the majority
> of users. I asked several Ecuadorian friends if this is common when
> selecting a time zone because I found it odd, and they were as puzzled as
> me.

Yes, it's odd, but at least it have some connection to Ecuador.
Until you see that Laotian, Cambodian (and to a degree, Northern
Vietnamese) users need to set their timezone to Asia/Bangkok,
which is a city in an unrelated country.

> I know that someone else raised this on a really old version of Red Hat, and
> I brought it up because it is an issue on Ubuntu. In both operating systems
> they feed from this list upstream and they won't make changes. I am pretty
> sure that this is something that affects a huge variety of OS that use this
> list.
> It wasn't and it isn't my intention to convince you to make any changes,
> just merely making you aware of the impact it is having on users. Other
> operating systems allow the selection of Quito and I found it odd, that's
> all.
> Thanks again for taking the time to reply.
> On 19/09/2022 13:36, Seo Sanghyeon wrote:
> > 2022년 9월 19일 (월) 오후 7:22, David via tz <tz at iana.org>님이 작성:
> > > The city that is listed for the mainland is Guayaquil, with no mention
> > > of the capital Quito. Guayaquil is the second most populous city in
> > > Ecuador, but why it is the only city listed is odd.
> > > 
> > > It is akin to choosing Marseilles as the only city for France instead of
> > > Paris.
> > > 
> > > Is there any chance of having Quito added?
> > 
> > https://data.iana.org/time-zones/theory.html explains how tz database
> > chooses timezone identifier. It is "Use the most populous among
> > locations in a region", so it is not necessarily the capital. If
> > Marseilles had more population than Paris, Marseilles would have been
> > chosen. In fact, it is Asia/Shanghai, not Asia/Beijing, for the same
> > reason.
> > 
> > Now, Guayaquil seems to be the second most populous city in Ecuador,
> > but I think it was more populous than Quito in the past, and even now
> > their population is similar. Since another rule is "Among locations
> > with similar populations, pick the best-known location", maybe it was
> > better to choose Quito, since I think it is better known because it is
> > the capital.
> > 
> > Alas, yet another rule is "Do not change established names if they
> > only marginally violate the above guidelines. For example, do not
> > change the existing name Europe/Rome to Europe/Milan merely because
> > Milan's population has grown to be somewhat greater than Rome's." I
> > think it is exactly the case here. For better or worse,
> > America/Guayaquil is now established, so it won't be changed to
> > America/Quito, even if Quito is now more populous than Guayaquil.
> > 
> > So no, there is no chance of having Quito added.
> > 


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