[tz] Turkey name change

Doug Ewell doug at ewellic.org
Thu Sep 7 00:15:49 UTC 2023

Paul Eggert wrote:

> Or perhaps Letu is referring to the line "TR Turkey" in the
> iso3166.tab file. Although iso3166 already has a comment about this
> sort of thing, the comment could be more explicit.

I agree 100% that nothing in the tz database is intended, nor should be viewed as, normative or “best” user-facing names for countries or cities. It’s unfortunate that not everyone reads, understands, or agrees with this when a country or city changes its name and there is a willingness to sacrifice tz identifier stability.

Having said that, the names in iso3166.tab don’t always seem to represent “the usual English name for the coded region” and certainly don’t demonstrate that updated names, or those involving non-ASCII, are contrary to policy or even practice for this file. Some entries that I would argue are not “the usual English name” include:

BQ      Caribbean NL
GB      Britain (UK)
TF      French S. Terr.

while these are evidence of updated and/or non-ASCII names:

AX      Åland Islands
CI      Côte d'Ivoire
CW      Curaçao
SZ      Eswatini (Swaziland)

The second list does seem to provide a reasonable precedent for Türkiye.

Doug Ewell, CC, ALB | Lakewood, CO, US | ewellic.org

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