[UA-discuss] Important UA milestone for Apple platforms (iOS, MacOSX, TvOS, WatchOS)

Marc Blanchet marc.blanchet at viagenie.ca
Thu Jul 7 16:24:06 UTC 2022

> Le 7 juill. 2022 à 12:11, Mark Datysgeld <mark at governanceprimer.com> a écrit :
> Getting back to this very late, but perhaps we should do more of a song and dance about this achievement? We should take advantage of ICANN and Göran's new Ambassador role to show that we believe this is a strong way for communities and companies to move forward. Maybe an ICANN blog can be written on successful implementations of UA in huge code bases?

I would not, or I would be very careful. This is not an Apple driven work, so we should be careful to infer too much into it. Moreover, the work has not been fully integrated yet into a standard Swift release.


> Best,
> On 13/06/2022 20:11, Marc Blanchet via UA-discuss wrote:
>> We have found while testing the Apple SDK and environments that support was “pretty limited”… It has now been implemented directly in Swift in the WebURL underlying framework, so as soon as it is integrated in the next releases of those platforms, all applications will get it “free”.  A bit late, but since it has been done in the core, then it encompasses “everything”.
>> Regards, Marc.
>> =========
>> https://forums.swift.org/t/weburl-now-supports-unicode-domain-names-idna/57949 <https://forums.swift.org/t/weburl-now-supports-unicode-domain-names-idna/57949>
>> "I'm happy to announce that I just merged support for Unicode domain names (IDNA) in WebURL.
>> It's available right now 16 <https://github.com/karwa/swift-url>, on the main branch, and it's a big milestone for a lot of reasons.
>> Note: IDNA support is on main. There will be a release in the ~next few weeks which includes it, but for now you should use a branch-based dependency for IDNA.
>> With this post, I'd like to discuss what IDNA is, why you should support it, how WebURL supports it, and why I think that's such a big deal.
>> …”
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> -- 
> Mark W. Datysgeld [markwd.website <https://markwd.website/>]
> Director at Governance Primer [governanceprimer.com <https://governanceprimer.com/>]
> ICANN GNSO Councilor

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