[UA-discuss] Call for participation: UASG advisory team for UA in academic curriculum

Sarmad Hussain sarmad.hussain at icann.org
Sat Jul 16 08:01:42 UTC 2022

Dear UASG Members,

UA Measurement WG and UA Tech WG have included plans to include UA in CS/IT curriculum in FY23 Action Plan.

As the UA Measurement WG started looking into developing recommendations for technically implementing UA in the CS/IT curriculum, the WG members concluded that it is a broader topic which can benefit from input from other UASG members, especially those who are more directly involved in academia or technical training.  Therefore, UA Measurement WG has suggested to form a small advisory team which can oversee and guide this work, seeking volunteers from the broader UASG community.

The work would likely take 6-8 months with regular fortnightly meetings at least in the first and last couple of months as well as regular 1-2 hour weekly work over email. The eventual deliverables this advisory team will be guiding will include identification of modules, module course outlines, module course materials as well as recommendations on how to disseminate these materials for adoption into CS/IT curricula.

If you are interested in contributing to this effort, kindly let us know by either responding to this email or emailing your interest to info at uasg.tech<mailto:info at uasg.tech> by 25 July. Thank you for considering to contribute.


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