[UA-Tech] "Champions of UA" RECOGNITION [was: Re: UASG Five Year Strategic Planning FY(2025 - 2029)]

Jothan Frakes jothan at jothan.com
Tue Oct 24 09:28:40 UTC 2023

Thanks Jim.

I didn't see any other responses so I thought that my message may not have
gotten through to the list.

Hopefully it might be a modest lift with large gain


On Tue, Oct 24, 2023, 9:49 AM Jim DeLaHunt <list+uasg at jdlh.com> wrote:

> I love, love, love this idea of a "Champions of UA" Recognition!
> UASG does not have the power to compel organisations to become universally
> accepting. We cannot really affect the economic incentives which will, I
> believe, determine what universal acceptance happens or does not happen.
> But we certainly can celebrate those who are doing a good job.
> We can take as models various awards: the Nobel prizes[1] for benefit to
> humanity, the Collier Trophy[2] for aeronautics and astronautics, the
> Academy Awards[3] ("Oscars") for the film industry, etc.
> I suspect that $10,000 spent on developing an award for best Universal
> Acceptance accomplishment of the year, conferring it, and publicising it,
> might well advance Universal Acceptance more than hiring developers to
> evaluate and report on the universal acceptance flaws of a software
> library.
> Great idea, Jothan!
> Best regards,
>     —Jim DeLaHunt
> [1] Nobel Prizes <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nobel_Prize>
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nobel_Prize>
> [2] Collier Trophy <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collier_Trophy>
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collier_Trophy>
> [3] Academy Awards <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Academy_Awards>
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Academy_Awards>
> On 2023-10-09 10:34, Jothan Frakes via UA-Tech wrote:
> ...[background omitted]...
> Rather than pointing this likely familiar and aggressively inconvenient
> aspect of the gaps that plague UA, I came up with an idea that I'd like to
> float, and in the context of the budget planning, would hope to see
> resourced to recognize UA champions who step up.
> There were some dedicated recognition pages where companies' or engineer's
> (or others' who help) names get listed in recognition of being champions,
> along with what components that they updated.  I'd suggest that this would
> not be expensive, and there is value to people that could point to their
> name being listed as part of their CV or other accolades.
> It may require special consideration due to privacy regulation, but
> there's likely an opt-in process as part of submitting.
> The resourcing would be the web page and some form of coordinator / review
> and curation of the champions list.  If it really took hold, one could have
> awards, categories or other expansion of recognition, things like badges
> that could be shown on linked-in or xing, or printed certificate plaque pdf
> that can be framed and placed on office wall.
> It won't solve all the gaps, and may not motivate 100% of the
> key/crucial/necessary participants, but is really not a lot, but rather
> than spiffs or bounties, it is a recognition that could be meaningful
> enough to attract some momentum and solutions to happen.
> Currently, due to there being a lot of tech debt involved, there is low
> allure to shining flashlights into the corners of how code might be looking
> at domains - ASCII or IDN.  Perhaps elevating and recognizing those who do
> (or their employers) is a way to help exchange the costs of doing so for
> some ability to flex some accolades or virtue signalling.
> Please steal and use this idea, and if it does work, plan that there is
> budget for it considered.
> -Jothan
> --
>     --Jim DeLaHunt, jdlh at jdlh.com     http://blog.jdlh.com/ (http://jdlh.com/)
>       multilingual websites consultant, Vancouver, Canada
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