[Neobrahmigp] Gurmukhi LGR v2.5 - 20190220

Sarmad Hussain sarmad.hussain at icann.org
Mon Mar 4 03:31:33 UTC 2019

Dear Prof. Lehal and NBGP members,

IP has suggested some minor edits to consider before final submission of the proposal, listed in their message below.  

As next steps, once these edits are incorporated, the proposal will be published at the proposals’ webpage <https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/lgr-proposals-2015-12-01-en>  as the final version after public comment, and then IP will undertake its evaluation.



To: NeoBrahmi Generation Panel
From: Integration Panel

The Gurmukhi LGR dated Feb 20 2019 appears to have been updated according to our recommendations from the previous round of feedback. In further review we noticed that some of the language in "Character Classes" could be improved in the XML. Some of the proposed changes also relate to better consistency across the RZ-LGR as a whole; the GP may want to make corresponding edits in the final proposal. We leave that decision up to the GP. 

- Integration Panel


DOCX - None

All requested edits from previous rounds have been made


XML - all minor and optional

(1) The DOCx contains a "=pairin bindi" annotation for the Nukta 0A3C in the table in Section 5; this annotation is missing from the XML. (If there was a desire to fix that in the proposal, the comment for U+0A3C in the XML would need to be changed to:

comment="GURMUKHI SIGN NUKTA = pairin bindi" .


(2) the following passage in the <description> could be copy-edited as follows: 

        <p>Tippi : Tippi is used to nasalize short vowels /ə/ and /I/ at all places, 
         as well as /U/ and /u/ after a consonant. That means, Tippi comes after 
         consonants without  a vowel sign (representing the mātrā of /ə/ "mukta") 
         and after the mātrā of /I/ ( ਿ ) following vowel carriers and consonants, 
         such as ਸੰ and ਸਿੰ. The mātrās of /U/ ( ੁ,)  and /u/ ( ੂ ) following a consonant 
         also take Tippi.  In addition, Tippi is used in gemination for nasal consonants 
       ਙ, ਞ, ਨ and ਮ.  More details in Section "The Tippi" of the [Proposal] </p>


The original wording is a bit tough to follow for anyone not yet familiar with Gurmukhi and even if it's decided to not update this in the proposal XML itself, it would be good to have someone from the GP review the above copy-edit, because we plan to use this language in the published LGR.

 (3) There are a few more instances where the  / / enclose lists including punctuation and a conjunction (and). Those would be cleaner if the  / / were placed only around the phonetic transcription to match usage in other LGRs.


Such as:

   <p>Vowels: Punjabi has ten vowels (ਅ /ə/, ਆ /a/, ਇ /I/, ਈ /i/, ਉ /U/, ਊ /u/, ਏ /e/, 
    ਐ /ɛ/, ਓ /o/ and ਔ /ͻ/). Out of these, three (ਅ /ə/, ਇ /I/, and ਉ /U/) are short vowels
    and seven  (ਆ /a/, ਈ /i/, ਊ /u/, ਏ /e/, ਐ /ɛ/, ਓ /o/, and ਔ /ͻ/) are long vowels. 
     More details in Section 3.3.3 "Vowels" of the
    <p>Bindi: Bindi represents a homo-organic nasal. Bindi is used with all 
    long vowels (ਆ, ਈ,  ਊ, ਏ, ਐ, ਓ, ਔ ) and the short vowel (ਉ) and with the matras of long vowels ( ਾ, ੀ, ੇ, 
    ੈ, ੋ, ੌ ) except the matra ( ੂ). More 
    details in Section, "The Bindi" of the [Proposal].</p>


(4) For the Halant we plan to use this revised passage:


<p>Halant: All consonants contain an implicit vowel (schwa). 
    A special sign is needed to denote that this implicit vowel is stripped off. 
    This sign is the Halant, encoded as U+094D ( ् ) GURMUKHI SIGN VIRAMA. More details in Section 3.3.2, 
    "The Implicit Vowel Killer: Halant" of the [Proposal]. 


    The GP may decide to update the XML or give the IP feedback on this edit.


(5) For the Addak, it may be worth mentioning that it cannot occur at the end of a label:


    <p>Addak : Addak is used to mark the gemination of the following consonant. 
    In Punjabi, addak usually can follow mukta, aunkar ( ੁ ) and sihari ( ਿ ), and the 
    vowel signs of the short vowels /ə/, /u/ and /i/. It geminates the consonant which 
    follows it; therefore it cannot occur at the end of a label. More details in "
    The Addak" of the [Proposal].</p>

(6) Finally, in the statement:

 Gurmukhi is an alphasyllabary and the heart of the writing system is the akshar. It is this unit, which is instinctively recognized by users of the script.

     the text shown here in italics could be edited to

Gurmukhi is an alphasyllabary and the heart of the writing system is the akshar. This is the unit which is instinctively recognized by users of the script.

    Some of out reviewers had difficulty with the original wording (changed wording in italics).



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