[Discussion-igo-rc] Protections for IGOs/Red Cross Red Crescent - Clarifications from the ICRC/Red Cross and Red Crescent

Stephane Hankins shankins at icrc.org
Fri Feb 17 12:15:02 UTC 2017

Dear Mary, dear Tom,
Dear all,
Further to Mary's recent message soliciting clarifications on the list of 
Red Cross and Red Crescent identifiers for which permanent protections are 
requested, as per the advice provided by the GAC in its past Communiqués 
to ICANN's Board, please find below our responses to Mary's questions. We 
are also copying below our last messages (30 january 2015 and 4 march 
2016) in response to ealier issues raised regarding the list of 
identifiers of the respective Red Cross and Red Crescent organizations, as 
included under Specification 5 of the Model Registry Agreement.
quote from Mary's message
On the Problem Statement relating to Red Cross identifier protections – 
·         The number of Red Cross National Societies - The Red Cross has, 
indeed, notified ICANN that there are now 190 National Societies; in her 
presentation to the GNSO Council in April 2016, this was also mentioned by 
Ms. Charlotte Lindsey Curtet (noting that the 190th was approved and 
admitted in December 2015: 
. The GAC advice specifically mentioning the Red Cross National Societies 
(March 2014 in the Singapore Communique; June 2014 in the London 
Communique; and October 2014 in the Los Angeles Communique) and the ICANN 
Board resolution granting interim protection to Red Cross National Society 
names (again, preceding the admission of the 190th National Society into 
the movement) expressly provide for the then-189 National Societies. 
Similarly, the GNSO’s PDP recommendations on this point – dating from 
November 2013 and based on GAC advice up to that date – also mention 189 
Red Cross National Societies. It may therefore be helpful if the National 
Society names that the facilitated discussions will focus on can be 
Response (ICRC): 
(1) The current request is for the confirmation as permanent of the 
protections currently recognized to the identifiers of the respective 
components of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement 
(hereafter Movement), including the names of the 190 National Red Cross 
and Red Crescent Societies recognized within the Movement 1) in English 
and 2) in the official language or languages (and alphabets/fonts) of 
their respective State of origin. 

It is correct that the number of National Societies referenced in the 
GAC's past communiqués (Singapore, 2014; London, 2014; Los Angeles, 2014) 
was 189 and that this number has since increased following the recognition 
of the Tuvalu Red Cross as the 190th National Society as a component of 
the Movement (effective 18 November 2015). Should hence be added to the 
list the names "Tuvalu Red Cross" and "Tuvalu Red Cross Society". 

For clarity, It should be noted that the recognition of new National Red 
Cross and Red Crescent Societies is not a very common occurrence and 
follows a formal process defined in the Movement's regulatory framework. 
There can only one National Red Cross or Red Crescent Society in any given 
State and only States that party to the 1949 Geneva Conventions are 
enabled to set up a National Society. Only very few States party to the 
1949 Geneva Conventions (6 out of 196 to date) have not yet created a 
National Red Cross or Red Crescent Society.
We had in the past submitted our responses to series of remaining 
questions pertaining to the list of National Societies' names  presently 
included in the list of Red Cross and Red Crescent identifiers included in 
Specification 5 to the Model Registry Agreement (most of a technical 
nature linked to the font or to the length of certain names proposed for 
inclusion on the list or protected names ).
We re attaching below our last messages (of 30 January 2015 and 4 March 
2016) in this regard and remain available to respond to any remaining 
questions. We would also be available to discuss any remaining issues in a 
Telephone Conference with ICANN Staff in advance of the Copenhagen Meeting 
and/or to meet with concerned ICANN Staff in Copenhagen if this may assist 
further in finalizing the list.
·         The languages for which permanent protection for the National 
Society names is being sought – the current suggested text is “in relevant 
national languages”; the GAC advice is formulated as “in English and the 
official languages of their respective states of origin” and reflected in 
the GNSO PDP as “in English, as well as in their respective national 
languages”. It may be that there is no substantive difference between the 
current text and what is in the GAC advice and GNSO PDP recommendations, 
but we thought we ought to mention this for precision purposes. 
Response (ICRC): We confirm that there is no substantive difference 
between the formulations “in relevant national languages “ and "in English 
and the official languages of their respective States of origin”. As noted 
above, the request is for permanent protections to be accorded to the 
names of National Societies both in English and in the official languages 
(and alphabets/fonts, as applicable) of each National Society's State of 
·         Acronyms of the international Red Cross movement – the GAC 
advice had sought “the same complementary cost neutral mechanisms to be 
worked out … for the protection of acronyms of IGOs” for the following 
four acronyms: ICRC, CICR, IFRC, FICR (Durban Communique, July 2013), 
which did not include MKKK. The GNSO PDP recommendations were for 90-days 
Claims Notification for the four acronyms listed by the GAC plus MKKK. It 
may therefore be helpful if the exact acronyms under discussion for 
protection as being the most commonly used Red Cross acronyms can also be 
Response (ICRC): The acronyms/initials solicited for permanent protection 
concern the most usual acronyms of the two international organizations 
within the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, namely  the 
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC - in English; CICR - in 
French; and MKKK - in Russian) and the International Federation of Red 
Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC - in English; FICR - in French).
We remain available to answer any remaining issues that would be raised. 
We shall be available to meet with concerned ICANN Staff in Copenhagen in 
order to finalize the list, as this may represent the easiest option 
With best regards,
Stéphane J. Hankins
Legal adviser
Cooperation and coordination within the Movement
International Committee of the Red Cross
Tel (direct line): ++0041 22 730 24 19
-----Transféré par Stephane Hankins/DIR_GEN_MOUV_CHF/GVA/ICRC le 
16/02/2017 19:31 ----- 
A : Mary Wong <mary.wong at icann.org>, Cyrus Namazi <cyrus.namazi at icann.org>
De : Stephane Hankins/DIR_GEN_MOUV_CHF/GVA/ICRC
Date : 04/03/2016 13:47
Cc : Nigel Hickson <nigel.hickson at icann.org>, Charlotte Lindsey 
Curtet/CIM_DIR/GVA/ICRC at ICRC, Nicola Ann 
Objet : DNS labels associated with the Red Cross and Red Crescent

Dear Cyrus, dear Mary,

(1) I hope this message finds you well.

Further to our past exchanges and as I am hoping we may be able to catch 
up during ICANN's Marrakesh meeting in the next days,
I am sending you our responses to Cyrus' last letter and to his queries 
relating to the list of DNS labels associated with the Red Cross and Red 
Crescent designations and names, and thus, as these are currently included 
and reflected under Specification 5 to the Model Registry Agreement. 
(2) Firstly, I would like to reiterate here our previous recommendation 
that, for greater clarity, the titles of the two tables/lists of Red Cross 
and Red Crescent designations and names included under Specification 5 be 
revised as follows:
(List 1) International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement -  Names of the 
distinctive emblems protected under international humanitarian law and of 
related designations
(in substitution to the current title: International Red Cross and Red 
Crescent Movement - National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Names)

(List 2) International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement – Names and 
identifiers of Red Cross and Red Crescent organisations
(in substitution to the current title: International Red Cross and Red 
Crescent Movement - International Committee of the Red Cross and 
International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies)

As the titles currently stand, they do not properly reflect or explicate 
the lists of strings listed thereunder.

(3) Second, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that, since 
the list of DNS labels was prepared, a new National Society has been 
recognized within the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, 
and that its denomination requires to be added to the list of names and 
identifiers of Red Cross and Red Crescent organisations, namely the Tuvalu 
Red Cross Society (which was recognized as a component of the Movement in 
November 2015).

Should hence be added to the list protected names and DNA labels the 
- "Tuvalu Red Cross"
- "Tuvalu Red Cross Society" 

(4) Below our responses to Cyrus' questions raised in his letter of 19 May 

ICRC (Red Cross and Red Crescent) response 
to ICANN's Letter of 19 May 2015

ICANN letter
ICRC (Red Cross and Red Crescent) response
The names of RCRC National Societies are eligible for protection in 
English as directed by the NGPC’s resolution, which instructed staff to 
“provide temporary protections for the names of the International 
Committee of the Red Cross and International Federation of the Red Cross 
and Red Crescent Societies, and the 189 National Red Cross and Red 
Crescent Societies, as identified in the GAC Register of Advice as 
2014-03-27-RCRC while the GAC, GNSO, Board, and ICANN community continue 
to actively work on resolving the differences in the advice from the GAC 
and the GNSO policy recommendations on the scope of protections for the 
RCRC names.” The GAC advice referenced in the NGPC’s resolution calls for 
protections of “the 189 National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, in 
English and the official languages of their respective states of origin.” 
We will direct registry operators to reserve these labels.
As explained in our message of 21 November 2015, two or more names were 
submitted for protection in instances where a National Red Cross or Red 
Crescent Society makes wide usage of a usual name or names in addition to 
its official name (we refer to the official name as that foreseen, in 
principle, in a National Red Cross or Red Crescent Society’s national law 
or decree of recognition or in its statutory base instruments). 

For example, the official name of the Australian Red Cross Society 
includes the word “Society”, but is commonly known as the “Australian Red 
Cross”. Similarly, the American National Red Cross uses and is widely 
known as the “American Red Cross”. 

Accordingly, we provided two or more names for inclusion in the list of 
protected strings, where this was requested by the National Society 
Some of the labels on the revised list are too long for the DNS. Refer to 
lines 72 – 75, 78, 79, 559, and 560 for those labels that cannot be 
reserved because they are too long.
We take note that some of the labels on the revised list are too long for 
the DNS. 

We propose to delete labels are too long for the DNS.
The list of DNS labels includes some acronyms for RCRC National Society 
names. As noted above in #1, the NGPC resolution calls for protection of 
“the 189 National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, in English and the 
official languages of their respective states of origin,” but does not 
call for protection of the acronyms corresponding to the 189 National Red 
Cross and Red Crescent Society Names. Refer to lines 379, 380, 531, 532, 
872, 873, 928, 944, 975, 976, 985, and 1011 for those labels that appear 
to represent acronyms that are not eligible for reservation.
We take note of this point and agree to the deletion of DNS labels 
corresponding to, or composed of, acronyms or initials of the Red Cross 
and Red Crescent organizations – i.e. under lines 379, 380, 531, 532, 872, 
873, 928, 944, 975, 976, 985, and 1011.
The revised list of DNS labels includes International Red Cross and Red 
Crescent Movement names outside the scope of what the NGPC directed to be 
reserved pursuant to NGPC Resolution 2012.11.26.NG03. Refer to lines 144, 
145, 319 – 324, 377, 378, 383, 384, 461, 462, 514 – 516, 665, 666, 694, 
695, 714, 715, 742, 743, 862, 863, 906, 907, 1008, 1009, and 1010. Please 
clarify the basis for directing registry operators to protect these 
Please delete the labels in lines 144, 145, 319 – 324, 377, 378, 383, 384, 
461, 462, 514 – 516, 665, 666, 694, 695, 714, 715, 742, 743, 862, 863, 
906, 907, and 1008. 

However, we believe that the labels included in lines 1009 and 1010 should 
be kept, as they correspond to the full name of the Uzbek Red Crescent 
Society in Russian, as a recognized regional language of the State.
The revised list of DNS includes some labels where the characters do not 
render properly in the Word document. Refer to line 622. Please send these 
labels in a csv file so that we may review the proposed labels.
Unfortunately, we could not convert the file under line 622 into 
csv-format either. We suggest to drop this label.
For some RCRC National Society names on the revised list, more than one 
English language version of the official name of the National Society is 
on the list. Refer to lines 132 – 135, 441 – 444, 655 – 658, 724 – 727, 
744 – 747, 770 – 773, 808 – 811, 828 – 835, 836 – 839, 844 – 847, 856 – 
859, 866 – 871, 874 – 877, 886 – 889, 894 – 897, 961 – 964, 994 – 997, 998 
– 1001, 1026 – 1029, 1038 – 1041, and 1042 – 1045. As noted above in #1, 
the NGPC resolution calls for protection of “the 189 National Red Cross 
and Red Crescent Societies, in English and the official languages of their 
respective states of origin.” Please advise which one of the English 
language labels should be reserved.
See comment under point 1.

Where several labels are proposed, these corresponds to either the 
official name of the National Society (as defined in the latter’s national 
law of recognition) or to the usual or widely used name or names of the 
National Society.

The inclusion of both official and usual names does not, in our 
understanding contradict the terms of the NGPC resolution. The latter does 
not refer to the “official” name of National Red Cross or Red Crescent 
Societies, but rather to their protection in the official languages of 
their respective States of origin. 
Please confirm how you propose to treat “the” when it is part of the 
official name of the RCRC National Society name. For example, the official 
name of the Red Cross National Society in Thailand is “The Thai Red Cross 
Society.” When creating the DNS labels, should corresponding DNS labels 
be: “the-thai-red-cross-society” and “thethairedcrosssociety”? Or, should 
the DNS labels include the previous two labels in addition to 
“thai-red-cross-society” and “thairedcrosssociety”?
We would prefer if both the versions, with and without the word “the”, 
could be included (e.g., “the-thai-red-cross-society” and 

We hope this will allow to resolve the outstanding questions and look 
forward to the opportunity to meet with you in the coming days.

With kind regards,


Stéphane J. Hankins 
Legal adviser 
Cooperation and coordination within the Movement 
International Committee of the Red Cross 
Tel (direct line): ++0041 22 730 24 19 

-----Transféré par Stephane Hankins/DIR_GEN_MOUV_CHF/GVA/ICRC le 
16/02/2017 19:22 ----- 
A : Mary Wong <mary.wong at icann.org>
De : Stephane Hankins/DIR_GEN_MOUV_CHF/GVA/ICRC
Date : 30/01/2015 15:44
Cc : Cyrus Namazi <cyrus.namazi at icann.org>, Nigel Hickson 
<nigel.hickson at icann.org>, christopher.rassi at ifrc.org, Charlotte Lindsey 
Objet : Lists of Red Cross and Red Crescent names included in 
Specification 5 - some recommendations for revision

Dear Mary,

We hope this message finds you well.

We have taken due note of the inclusion of the list of Red Cross and Red 
Crescent names under Specification 5 to the Model Registry Agreement as it 
is now available online and would like to thank you and your colleagues 
for your precious assistance.

After a careful review of the list placed online, we would like to draw 
your attention however to several omissions and are attaching below a 
revised listing in which

- different National Red Cross or Red Crescent Society names have been 
added or corrected (the name of the International Federation of Red Cross 
and Red Crescent Societies was also missing in several UN languages); 
- the names of National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies have been 
systematically inserted in English. This is in accordance with the NGPC's 
Resolution adopted in Los Angeles on 12 October 2014 to provide temporary 
protections for the Red Cross/Red Crescent names identified in the GAC's 
Singapore Communiqué  (i.e. to permanently protect from unauthorized used 
the terms associated with the International Red Cross and Red Crescent 
Movement [and that] the protections should [...] include "the 189 National 
Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, in English and the official 
languages of their respective states of origin," and the "full names of 
the International Committee of the Red Cross and International Federation 
of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in the six (6) United Nations 

For the sake of clarity, we also propose to change the titles of the two 
tables of Red Cross and Red Crescent designations and names included under 
Specification 5 to

- (List 1) International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement -  Names of 
the dictinctive emblems protected under international humanitarian law and 
of related designations
(in replacement of the current title: International Red Cross and Red 
Crescent Movement - National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Names)

- (List 2) International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement – Names and 
identifiers of Red Cross and Red Crescent organisations
(in replacement of the current title: International Red Cross and Red 
Crescent Movement - International Committee of the Red Cross and 
International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies)

(3) For a full overview of our proposed revisions, we are attaching below 
our revised list (one with mark-up and highlighting our revisions, the 
other without):

Please do let us know if you would require any additional explanations. We 
will be attending the upcoming ICANN meeting in Singapore and would be 
available to discuss this further with you as might be required.

With best wishes in your preparations for the Singapore Meeting and kind 

Stéphane and Chris
Stéphane J. Hankins 
Legal adviser 
Cooperation and coordination within the Movement 
International Committee of the Red Cross 
Tel (direct line): ++0041 22 730 24 19 
Email: shankins at icrc.org

Christopher M. Rassi 
Senior Legal Officer 
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies 
Chemin des Crêts, 17 |1209 Petit Saconnex |Geneva|Switzerland
Tel. +41 (0)22 730 4536 | Fax +41 (0)22 733 0395 | E.mail: 
christopher.rassi at ifrc.org
end of message

The ICRC - working to protect and assist people affected by armed conflict and
other situations of violence. Find out more: www.icrc.org

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