[ICANN-CSC] Draft Agenda and Draft letter to PTI re modification of the SLA change process

Bart Boswinkel bart.boswinkel at icann.org
Thu May 16 16:02:53 UTC 2024

Dear all,
Please find included the draft agenda for the upcoming CSC meeting  22 May 2024| 10.00 UTC and draft letter to be discussed (item 4 on the proposed agenda),
Kind regards,
Customer Standing Committee (CSC) Meeting 82
22 May 2024 | 10.00-11.00 – UTC
Draft Agenda

  1.  Welcome and roll call

2. Action Items

Action Items

Action item 02 70 2023

Schedule table top exercise at next community forum (ICANN79) or 2024 AGM (ICANN81)

To be scheduled for ICANN81

Action item 03 70 2023

CSC to develop formal communication templates. Goal is to discuss first strawman by ICANN78 (Hamburg meeting)

Start date July 2024 - to be completed by ICANN81

Action item 01-81 2024

Staff to circulate CSC Findings to community


Action item 02-81  2024

Staff to draft note to circulate strawman to amend SLAs to PTI

Completed, see item 4 agenda

Action item 03- 81 2024

Staff to seek guidance on possible role Rick as liaison, once Brett needs to step down.

Completed, see item 5 agenda

3. Performance IANA Naming Function April 2024

a)      PTI report to CSC April 2024

During the month of April, PTI met 100% of the SLA thresholds. Amy circulated report to CSC by mail on 13 May 2024

b)      CSC Findings PTI Performance April 2024

Jennifer circulated draft Finding PTI Performance 14 May 2024

4. Draft Cover Note to circulate Strawman SLA Changes Process

  1.  Update IANA Function Review Process
     *   Update & Progress IANA Function Review Process (Brett)
     *   Update replacing Brett as liaison to IFRT, after end of his term as member CSC

  1.  Update Annual CSC Selection process

  1.  Next Meetings

  *   Meeting 83- 19 June 2024 | 18.00-19.00 UTC
  *   Meeting 84 – 17 July 2024 | 02.00-03.00 UTC
  *   Meeting 85 – 14 August 2024 | 10.00-11.00 UTC

  1.  AOB

  1.  Adjourn

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