[SubPro-IRT] Confirmation of Discussion Dates for Topic 18: Terms & Conditions

Lars Hoffmann lars.hoffmann at icann.org
Fri Jun 21 08:40:42 UTC 2024

Dear Mike, all,

Thank you for your feedback. I would kindly ask that we maintain a cordial tone in this group. IRT and staff have worked constructively, cooperatively, and cordially over the past year. Considering the extremely tight timeline that both the community and staff are working under, this has been appreciated by the staff and, I am sure, by members of the IRT as well. Let’s try to maintain this approach for the remaining 12 months, as deadlines will inevitably get tighter as we move towards the finish line.

Mike, I understand that the turnaround time is not ideal – let me provide context: As the IRT is aware, the finalization of the Terms and Conditions language was dependent on the Board’s resolution on the Council’s supplementary recommendations, which only happened in Kigali. This, combined with the fact that ASP and RSP are under even tighter deadlines than the AGB, with both going live later this year, meant that this quick turnaround is the only option to ensure timelines do not slip.

As role of the IRT<https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/irt-principles-guidelines-23aug16-en.pdf> is “to ensure that the implementation conforms to the intent of the policy recommendations”. In this context, please note that the Board did not adopt recommendations 18.1 and 18.3.  Recommendation 18.4 refers to the refunds which will be implemented as part of the fee structure later this year. That only leaves recommendation 18.6, for which the IRT needs to ensure that implementation conforms to the recommendation’s intent. ” I believe that opportunities for the IRT to fulfil its role re: 18.6 are sufficient. As we noted the IRT will be able to do so in writing on the document before the IRT call, during the IRT call, as part of the public comment, and during the IRT discussion of the public comments received.

If there are any further questions on this or any other matter, please feel free to respond on-list.
Many thanks and best wishes,

From: SubPro-IRT <subpro-irt-bounces at icann.org> on behalf of Mike Rodenbaugh <mike at rodenbaugh.com>
Date: Friday, 21 June 2024 at 04:55
To: Jared Erwin <jared.erwin at icann.org>
Cc: "subpro-irt at icann.org" <subpro-irt at icann.org>
Subject: Re: [SubPro-IRT] Confirmation of Discussion Dates for Topic 18: Terms & Conditions

Is this serious?  Staff is planning to proppose language and then give this group a whopping two days (during summer for most of us) to discuss it -- before putting it out for public comment?


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Mike Rodenbaugh


548 Market Street, Box 55819

San Francisco, CA 94104


mike at rodenbaugh.com<mailto:mike at rodenbaugh.com>


+1 (415) 738-8087

2012 to present                                                            [Book a Meeting<https://www.cloudhq.net/meeting/618C0hOfgEx3dpe1KkQ>]

On Thu, Jun 20, 2024 at 4:29 PM Jared Erwin <jared.erwin at icann.org<mailto:jared.erwin at icann.org>> wrote:
Dear IRT Members,

To follow up, I wanted to clarify/confirm the dates for the discussion of Topic 18: Terms & Conditions:


  *   25 Jun 2024: Org shares draft language with IRT
  *   25-27 Jun 2024: IRT provides initial feedback (early feedback encouraged)
  *   27 Jun 2024 (19:00-20:00 UTC): IRT meeting<https://community.icann.org/x/rYEEF>
  *   Early July 2024: Public Comment opens

Thank you,


Jared Erwin
Director, New gTLD Program
Global Domains & Strategy
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
jared.erwin at icann.org<mailto:jared.erwin at icann.org>

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